About me...
Ralph Genang is a recognised expert in the world of education. Ralph has had great successes conducting the relevant education research, speaking at educational conferences and implementing his vision in highly acclaimed implementations such as eLanguages.
Born on 27 April 1973, Ralph has taken a very special interest in education, languages and culture from an early age onwards. He grew up in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium switching classrooms, cultures and languages every three years, making his school years somewhat of a struggle. With every change of classrooms Ralph learnt new information, but to his frustration without the guidelines on how to apply it.
In 1998, when he was studying at Delft University of Technology Netherlands, Ralph motivated by his own educational trajectory decided to set out to do it his way and started on the ambitious adventure of redesigning the business-to-business marketing course, lectured by Professor Sicco Santema, into the first live Internet-course ever in Europe. Students could follow the university course online and through video directly interact with their teacher. The Internet course attracted 2,500 followers and instantly became the most visited lecture in the history of Delft University of Technology. Media paid high attention to this phenomenon and the news was broadcasted on national and international television.
This success stimulated Ralph to rethink education. As one of the initiators of New Media Tours, he did research on how to enhance the leaner's learning experience, in collaboration with highly regarded institutes such as Stanford University, MIT, Boeing, Forrester Research and Microsoft. Ralph presented his findings and results on international education forums such as Learntec, Edmedia and Online Educa Berlin. His works have been published and quoted in leading education journals.

Further research into implementing learning strategies in both public and private sector, gave Ralph a thorough insight and a lot of expertise in how people learn to learn and the culture change required for learners to benefit from a young age on how to learn more effectively so as to better prepare them for their future. Ralph has always highlighted the role of teachers as crucial to achieve this cultural understanding.
After his relocation to the United Kingdom in 1999, Ralph came up with the concept of an online platform for teachers to collaborate with schools and teachers from other countries and cultures. This idea was subsequently endorsed by British Council and the Department of Education in England. In partnership with them Ralph developed eLanguages in 2002.
eLanguages has been a success from ever since it started. Because of its simplicity, it proved to be a highly effective tool for teachers to connect and collaborate internationally to raise the cultural awareness of children. As of today eLanguages has 20,000 end-users and is available in 23 languages. Ralph has travelled the world extensively to promote the international dimension in education. He has worked with ministries of education, teacher trainers and teachers from over 140 countries and cultures.
While doing this Ralph has become very passionate about learning from and working with teachers from a different culture and a different background. All this is what inspired Ralph to believe firmly into global collaboration between teachers to improve learning and raise standards in education worldwide. End 2010 Ralph and his family relocated to Switzerland, where he continues his work.
Ralph Genang
Founder Rages
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